Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Black Dahlia

Here's a few shots as my 47 knucklehead, The Black Dahlia was coming together.




  1. Fucoidan tăng cường khả năng hoạt động của hệ miễn dịch, ngăn ngừa quá trình oxy hóa, kiềm chế sự phát triển của các khối u và sự hình thành mạch máu mới của tế bào ung thư. Thuốc hỗ trợ điêu trị ung thư http://muathuoctot.com/thuoc-supreme-fucoidan-95-co-cong-dung-gi-ban-o-dau-1311156-1.post Điều này ngăn chặn con đường cung cấp chất dinh dưỡng cho các tế bào ung thư phát triển. Đặt biệt hơn :
    Fucoidan thuốc trị ung thư http://muathuoctot.com/tai-sao-khi-uong-fucoidan-bang-mieng-se-hieu-qua-nhat-1875-1.post đang được xem là cứu cánh cuối cùng của những người mắc phải căn bệnh ung thư quái ác này. Doctor’s Best Best Fuocoidan http://muathuoctot.com/ngan-ngua-va-dieu-tri-ung-thu-cung-doctors-best-fucoidan-1204.html gần đây thì mọi người đã bắt đầu tìm hiểu về loại thuốc này qua nhiều nguồn thông tin khác nhau và dần biết được tác dụng thần kỳ của nó. Những thông tin đầu tiên về Fucoidan trên thế giới xuất hiện từ khá sớm. Dr Best Fucoidan http://muathuoctot.com/thuoc-supreme-fucoidan-co-tot-khong-gia-bao-nhieu-1311143-1.post cho tới bây giờ sản phẩm này mới được một số người Việt Nam biết tới thông qua các kênh như internet, sách báo và truyền miệng. Vậy sự thật đằng sau loại dược chất này là gì?
    Thuốc Fucoidan http://muathuoctot.com/thuoc-ho-tro-dieu-tri-ung-thu-tot-nhat-hien-nay-1973-1.post được phát hiện bởi giáo sư Kylin thuộc Đại học Uppsala vào năm 1913. Loại chất này được chiết xuất từ tảo nâu Hondawara. Ban đầu nó được gọi là “Fucoidin” nhưng sau này được sửa lại thành “Fucoidan” để hợp chuẩn Nguyên tắc đặt tên quốc tế. Ngày nay Fucoidan được tìm thấy ở một số loại tảo khác như Kombu, Wakame (Mekabu), Mozuku…


      ❌ Binary Option, Forex and their likes are a means of making money but it’s more like gambling. There are no sure means to guarantee that a person could make profit with them and that’s why it can also be reasoned to be scam. Let’s not forget that some individuals even give you 💯 % guarantee of making profits and end up running away with your money. The internet today is full of Binary Option Recovery Scam, you see so much testimonies been shared about how a firm or Company helped them recover what they lost to Binary Options. But believe it, it’s just a way to lure more people and end up scamming them.

      ❌ You might have also come across some individuals that say they will give you guarantee on successful trades but they only end up as SCAMMERS as well. You here them say stuffs like 200% guaranteed in just 2 weeks and when you go into trade with them, they start telling you to pay profits percentage before you can get your income. These are all liars please avoid them. But if you have been a victim of this guys, then you should contact PYTHONAX now‼️

      ✳️The big Question is “Can someone Recover their money lost to Binary Option and Scam⁉️
      I will say yes, and will tell you how.

      The only way to Recovery your money back is by hiring HACKERS to help you break into the Firms Database Security System using the information you provide them with, Extract your file and get back your money. It seems like a really impossible thing to do, I will tell you, it should be impossible, but with the use of specially designed softwares known to HACKERS and Authorities (such as The FBI, CIA e.t.c) it is possible and the only way to recover your money.

      ✅ PYTHONAX are a group of hackers who use their hacking skill to hunt down SCAMMERS and help individuals recovery their money from Internet SCAMMERS.
      We just need the contact details of the SCAMMERS and Paymnet Info and within 4-8 hours your money will be return to you.

      ✳️ You can contact us via the emails below-:

      We also provide Legit Hacking Services such as-:
      🔸Phone Hacking/Cloning
      🔸Email Hacking & Password Recovery
      🔸Social Media Hacking & Passowrd Recovery
      🔸Deleted Files Recovery 🔸Mobil Tracking
      🔸Virus detection & Elimination.


      2020 © All Right Reserved.

  2. Because of my zeal to give my family a better life, I searched for how to invest in bitcoin so I can earn more money, I came across Legit Crypto Traders email address and I emailed them to guide me on how to invest in bitcoin and they explained everything to me it's was simple and then I invested $1,000 dollars and 5 days after I got $10,000 dollars I was very happy because now i can take good care of my family. If you want to invest in bitcoin Email them now at legitcryptotraders@gmail.com or WhatsApp 1(256)251-3614 and you can invest with any amount of money such as 

    $100 dollars to get $1,000 dollars 

    $200 dollars to get $2,000 dollars

    $500 dollars to get $5,000 dollars

    $1,000 dollars to get $10,000 dollars

    $5,000 dollars to get $50,000 dollars

    $10,000 dollars to get $100,000 dollars

    $50,000 dollars to get $500,000 dollars

    $100,000 dollars to get $1,000,000 dollars

  3. If you need to remotely hack a cell phone, website or clear criminal records, contact extremeinfiltrators@gmail.com
    It’s strictly confidential


    WhatsApp: +1(539) 888-2243

    People are trying to hack my account because I'm too good.

  5. As a business inclined individual I hated just staying home, saving all my pensions and not being able to make use of it to make more money so I went on looking for an investment, I tried binary options and forex, lost some money to that and took sometime off the online investment thing and after a while I stumbled on a so called investor guru. I invested lot of money with him and never got my money back. I read on an article of Mr. Fahad Waleed and contacted him and the rest is history. contact him and get your lost BTC or money back.


  6. We need to stop being fooled by all these brokers and account managers, they scammed me over $185,000 of my investment capital, they kept on requesting for extra funds before a withdrawal request can be accepted and processed, in the end, I lost all my money. All efforts to reach out to their customer support desk had declined, I found it very hard to move on. I was researching and find a broadcast that teaches on how scammed victims can recover their funds, I contacted the email provided for consultation, Sean_recovery@cyber-wizard.com I got feedback after some minutes and I was asked to provide all legal details concerning my investment, I did exactly what they instructed me to do without delay, to my greatest surprise I was able to recover my money back including my profit which my capital generated. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back.

    email- Sean_recovery@cyber-wizard.com

  7. My husband was laid off work and we were in debt, I couldn’t pay back on time some of the loans we took and it had a huge impact on my credit score and which came down to 347. All attempts to boost it up were ineffective despite making payments on time. It made life difficult for us until a friend of mine gave me the contact information of a credit adjuster cyberwallfire(@)techie. com who got us through those difficult times and increased my credit score to 802 in 48 hours. I don’t know how he managed to accomplish that but I’m excited and recommended him to many of my friends. If you wish to increase your score, you should get in touch with them immediately.
    Thank you Cyberwall fire.
    Contact info: cyberwallfire(@)techie.com

  8. I saw an opportunity to invest in cryptocurrency about two months ago and I took my chance. I contacted a broker who I saw videos on YouTube and I invested a huge sum of money into Bitcoins & Ethereum hoping to gain a huge profit, while I was waiting and after some weeks, I saw on their website that I have doubled my money. I tried to make a withdrawal as I needed money to foot my bills but the broker insist I continue to invest or pay some money to withdraw my funds, I realize at that point I was being catfished. A month after, I saw a post about SPYWEB CYBER, a funds recovery company and I contacted them immediately, to my surprise SPYWEB was able to recover my bitcoins and Ethereum after I provided the necessary information for them. They were able to retrieve all my money and gave me the scammer's location which I sent to the authorities and these people were apprehended. I’m super grateful for SPYWEB CYBER and wish to recommend them to everyone out there.
    SPYWEB can be contacted via E-mail: (contact@spyweb. tech) & (spyweb@cyberdude. com)

  9. If you think your spouse may be cheating, I would suggest you contact
    William-Mercado@cyber-wizard dot com
    He’s a real hacker and was very helpful in spying on my cheating husband’s cell phone remotely.

  10. I couldn’t resist the offer when it came up to me and that was how I ended up becoming another victim of a cryptocurrency trading scam, I had taken out loans to invest in this platform and I lost a capital of $457,000 to these scammers. It was unbearable and I thought of giving up my life when a colleague told me about Astraweb, I was dumbfounded when ASTRAWEB cyber was able to recover my money after I provided them with all the necessary information. Truly a remarkable cryptocurrency recovery company, I never thought it could be possible to recover your crypto once it is gone but Astraweb made it happen. I’m grateful for their selfless service and wish others like me would seek more knowledge before investing in crypto. If you ever want to recover your cryptocurrency too, you can find their contact information below.

    E-MAIL: AstraWeb@Cyberdude(.)com

  11. Many have come to the conclusion that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies cannot be traced or recovered but it’s incorrect, it can be traced and recovered with the right tools and resources. I was one of those who didn’t believe in it but I was able to recover my Bitcoin after I sent a huge amount to the wrong address with the help of a recovery team called Hack Judas. I thought all hope was lost for good but with the intervention of Judas, I was able to trace and recover my Bitcoins. Truly remarkable work by Hack Judas and I highly recommend their service.

    Judas can be reached via E-mail: hackerjudas9@gmail.com
    INSTAGRAM: hackerjudas

  12. Highly Recommended!
    Very insightful, i will also say this here. Investment is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. For a beginner there are so many challenges you face. It's hard to know how to get started. Trading on the Cryptocurrency market has really been a life changer for me. I almost gave up on crypto at some point not until saw a recommendation on Elon musk successfully success story and I got a proficient trader/broker Mr Bernie Doran , he gave me all the information required to succeed in trading. I made more profit than I could ever imagine. I'm not here to converse much but to share my testimony; I have made total returns of 2.6BTC from an investment of just 0.6BTC. Thanks to Mr Bernie I'm really grateful,I have been able to make a great returns trading with his signals and strategies .I urge anyone interested in
    INVESTMENT to take bold step in investing in the Cryptocurrency Market, you can reach him on WhatsApp : +1(424) 285-0682 or his Gmail : BERNIEDORANSIGNALS@GMAIL.COM, bitcoin is taking over the world.--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==//==//==//==//==//==//==//


  13. Geetings, I am providing this testimony to all those who have suffered financial losses as a result of a gang of fraudulent brokers impersonating bitcoin and Forex traders. I am aware that a lot of individuals have lost money on bitcoin due to the misconception that it cannot be traced. My belief was that my $520,000 in bitcoin and USDT was gone forever until I came across an article about Morrison recovery, a reliable money recovery expert who can locate and retrieve lost cryptocurrency rapidly. I contacted Morrison recovery straight away, and after providing him with all the information, I was able to enter my restricted account and get my bitcoins back in my wallet. If you have fallen victim to these unscrupulous cryptocurrency scammers, Then rich out to him through email at Morrison@cyber-wizard.com

  14. A considerable number of people have lost a lot of money as a result of falling for Bitcoin investment scams. Your stolen savings can be recovered with the aid of Morrison Recovery. Using my situation as an example, I invested in an online venture without realizing that I was in danger of becoming a victim of fraud. Through favorable evaluations and testimonies, I discovered Morrison@cyber-wizard.com following multiple searches for a way to get my lost money back. They were able to locate the lost money and retrieve $85,000 of my hard-earned cash.  I'm  so happy I found a reputable company that could meet my needs. I'm also sharing my success story in case you meet the same end. For people looking to get their money back from lost Bitcoin investments and internet scams, Morrison Recovery Services is a great resource. Please don't hesitate to ask them for assistance.

  15. A Life-Changing Experience: How Morrison's Recovery Helped Me Recover My Money from an Online Scammer

    I still can't believe it. I was a victim of an online scam and lost a significant amount of money. It was a dark time for me, and I felt hopeless. But then, I discovered Morrison's Recovery, and my life changed forever. I'll never forget the day I received that email from what seemed like a legitimate investment company. They promised me high returns with minimal risk, and I fell for it. Before I knew it, I had transferred thousands of dollars to their account. But soon, the emails stopped coming, and I realized I had been scammed. The guilt, shame, and frustration were overwhelming. In desperation, I searched online for help and found Morrison's Recovery. Their reputation and reviews convinced me to give them a chance. Morrison's Recovery worked actively to track down the scammers and successfully recovered my stolen funds, I was overjoyed and relieved to have my money back. The weight lifted off my shoulders, and I finally felt like myself again. Recovering from an online scam is not easy, but Morrison's Recovery made it possible for me. Their expertise, dedication, and compassion gave me hope when all seemed lost. If you're a victim of online fraud like I was, don't lose faith. Morrison@cyber-wizard.com is here to help you recover your stolen money and your peace of mind.
    Morrison's Recovery is more than just a company; they're a lifeline for those who have been victimized by scammers.

  16. "Morrison's Recovery Services: The Go-To Solution for Online Scam Victims"

    ''I Lost $20,000 in an online investment scam. Morrison's Recovery Services not only recovered my funds but also helped me understand how to protect myself from future scams. Their dedication and knowledge made all the difference'' ''Dealing with identity theft was a nightmare until I found Morrison@cyber-wizard.com services. They guided me through the steps to restore my credit, reclaim my account, and prevent further damage. Their expertise and support were invaluable.''

  17. "I was a victim of an internet scam and lost a significant amount of money to fraudulent individuals. I was devastated and didn't know where to turn. That's when I found Morrison's Recovery Services. I was skeptical at first, but after speaking with their team, I was impressed by their expertise and genuine interest in helping me. Within 24 hours of contacting Morrison's Recovery Services, they were able to retrieve the majority of my stolen funds. I was amazed and relieved by their swift action and professionalism. I want to thank Morrison's Recovery Services for their hard work and dedication. Their recovery team went above and beyond to get my money back, and I'm so grateful. Their services have given me my peace of mind back, and I would highly recommend them to anyone who has fallen victim to online scams. Morrison@cyber-wizard.com Services truly cares about their clients and will stop at nothing to get their money back. They are a trustworthy and reliable company that can be counted on in times of need. If you've been scammed, don't hesitate to reach out to them - they will do everything in their power to help you recover your losses."

  18. Consult A Legitimate Crypto Recovery Company - Captain WebGenesis

    The professionalism and reliability of Captain WebGenesis recovery team set them apart as a trusted partner in the realm of bitcoin recovery services. Operating with the highest level of professionalism and integrity, Captain WebGenesis ensures that their clients receive the best possible assistance in recovering their lost bitcoins. With a team of experts dedicated to helping individuals navigate the process of recovery, they offer 24/7 support to ensure that clients receive prompt and effective assistance when they need it most. Testimonials from satisfied clients further underscore the effectiveness of Captain WebGenesis in recovering lost bitcoins, highlighting their commitment to client satisfaction and successful outcomes.
    Get More Info;

    Visit ; Www.captainwebgenesis. com
     Mail Add; Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com
