Monday, July 16, 2012

VANS Promo for BF4

Was asked to paint up a tank for VANS shoes, to be displayed at Born Free 4.  Was really digging the Delft Blue Dutch pottery concept, so I broke out some pearl and blue OneShot, and got to work.  Here's the finished product.


  1. Things are always awesome in these here parts, gorgeous, beautiful stuff, insure those hands.

  2. I hadn't been on here in awhile and I didn't think it was possible but you just keep getting better and better. One of these days I am going to get you to do something for me.


  3. That paint work was so nice, loved the tank in person. Great job...

  4. Bennie! Yeah man those prices are climbing, you better hurry! Ha, be great!

    Thanks David, I appreciate the props!

  5. You nailed that paint, I wanted to win that tank more than the shovel.
